Hectic schedules, no time for elaborate healthy meals. We want to be fit & eat healthy but can't sacrifice our social lives either.
This is everyone's story...us included!

Hi! I'm Pratik Rao and I run NutraSphere with my wife Manjula and father Prakash Rao.
Manjula and I were exactly like you, with hectic corporate lives and unhealthy diets.
"Healthy food" options in the market involved chewing a generically healthy bar all day or gulping down something-awful mixed in milk. Nothing was actual food...just gimmicks.
We were getting unhealthier and unhealthier until I suffered from 2 herniated discs and was bedridden for 45 days.
That's when we consulted our in-house expert, my dad, Prakash Rao on how we can solve this very relevant problem!
And NutraSphere was born...to provide people like us Healthy, Delicious, On-The-Go Affordable meals that fit into any lifestyle.
Not just generically healthy, but products that help you reach very specific health goals.
We hope you love our idea of making food carry health and thank you for joining in our journey!

With 35+ years developing pioneering products for food, pharma, ayurveda and nutraceuticals, dad always envisioned daily food itself as a carrier of health.
He identified and blended together several natural ingredients that were scientifically proven to reverse or help manage several lifestyle disorders and conditions like diabetes, obesity, skin & organ health, heart health and energy supplementation.
He then infused thse blends into istantized versions of delicious foods and beverages ensuring no preservatives, added sugar, MSG etc.
And NutraSphere became the perfect vehicle to carry his vision ahead.
Active ingredients are natural ingredients with proven health benefits, found in plants, fruits and vegetables.
We blend together different actives proven to help with the same health conditions or lifestyle disorders.
These are then added to delicious foods that make up your daily meals. So now, health is part of your daily diet, whatever may be your health goal.