How It Helps
Hot. Healthy. Tangy…whaaaat?
Your NutraSphere Hot Tomato Soup is enriched with natural soluble and insoluble dietary fibers.
What’s so cool about this ?
- Firstly, both these fibers are gluten-free!
- Soluble dietary fiber is known to help regulate sugar levels (post meals) through a sustained-release action
- Insoluble dietary fiber is known to bind irreversibly with cholesterol & triglycerides, to be flushed away by your body
- So now you’ve got a soup that tastes great, helps in sugar regulation AND is great for your heart health!
- Oh, and the cherry on top is that fiber is great for digestion and IBS too
References: "**Diabetologia. 2001 Jul;44(7):805-17 | Acta Med Scand 215:205–213 | Clin Sci (Lond) (1984) 66 (3): 329–336."
A Little Hot, A Little Sour, A Lot Healthy!
20% Protein, 17 vitamins & minerals in an oh so tasty Hot n Sour Soup. Nope, not a dream. Your NutraSphere Hot n Sour Soup does really pack a healthy punch!
What’s so cool about this ?
- Proteins, vitamins and minerals boost energy & help maintain optimal health in adults
- Proteins also boost growth & development in kids
- We've used not just any old protein. Our protein source i.e. Whey Protein Concentrate has the highest biological value
- In fact, biologically active components in WPC provide additional benefits to enhance human anabolic functions.
Bottomline? This soup is Souper!
References: J .Sports Sci. Med. 2004, 3(3) : 118-130**